I am so excited about World AIDS Day that is coming up December 1. My immune system is already weakening with excitement that I can hardly stay alive. I realize that it is still two whole months away and that this post is a little early but I just can’t hold it in anymore. Just like all white people, I love events that occur one day a year to celebrate/memorialize/commemorate a certain group of people. It just happens that people with AIDS are my FAVORITE group of people (with black people in close second).
I am in a bit of a dilemma, though. I can’t quite decide what to dress up as. Here are a couple of ideas I have so far…
1. Full-blown AIDS
2. Man with a caved-in face
3. A protease inhibitor
4. Or just be HIV
I wonder if there will be a POZ Pride Parade to go along with the festivities this year… I suspect that if there is one then Walgreen would be the grand marshall (or perhaps Pfizer). I can just imagine the chants of the people in the parade - now we stand here broken-hearted, for all the victims who’ve departed - as this year’s theme song “Oops I Did It Again” by Britney Spears plays in the background. The usual gay cheerleaders will be in the parade except they are not skinny because they are anorexic and/or bulimic. No, it’s because they are wasting away from their AIDS medication! (Gosh, just kidding. Why you so serious?)
Speaking of theme songs, what do you suppose the theme song for super AIDS would be? Perhaps “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” by Daft Punk?
Be sure to send me costume ideas and I hope to see you at the POZ Pride Parade, if not before!